Do you know what really annoys me? The entire concept of giving kids "participation" trophies. Every kid, every team, they all get the same trophy. Whether your team went 15-0 or 0-15, by God, you were ALL winners. Wait... no they weren't. When I was in my mid-20s, I...
We’re Gearing Up for the Summer of 2023!
After another 3″-5″ snowfall in mid-April, it’s hard to believe that summer starts in just eight weeks, but nevertheless, we are gearing up for the summer of 2023!
Goodbye 2024, Hello 2025
Happy New Year all. Where do I begin? 2024 was a rough year for Bar Car, Marianne, and me, but we're looking forward to 2025. What I'm about to offer you isn't an excuse, it's an apology of sorts, coupled with an explanation. Not all of what I've written here is...
Headbanging Moments
Some days I just don't have enough desk or forehead for all of my headbanging moments - but this one I have to rant about... Why do people think that they can call me for a ride reservation (bus or van), and then dictate to me the price they want to pay? I'm more than...
“Viewer Discretion Is Advised”
I'll bet you thought this was going to be something violent, sexual, obscene, and so on... right? Not even close. A few weeks back, Marianne and I were sitting in the living room, as an episode of "COPS" came on the TV. The show started the way it always does, with...
Thanks for Helping to Make Our First Year a Success
NOTE: I started writing this blog earlier this month, but we've been so busy that I never finished it... As we begin February 2022, Allison's Bar Car and Limo, LLC is now entering its second year in business and we couldn't be happier. Just as is the case with any...
“The Sound of Gravity” Tour T-Shirts Now Available
Allison’s Bar Car is proud to announce that in partnership with 15 of Vilas County’s best bars and restaurants, we are now accepting pre-orders for our “Sound of Gravity” Tour T-Shirts (pricing and details for ordering are outlined below). We always give credit where...
Vilas County SafeRide Program Participants
As a courtesy to our customers, we wanted to add a list of the bars and taverns that participate in the Vilas County SafeRide Program. Furthermore, we've also included a directory for the participating taverns. When a customer receives a SafeRide voucher, there is no...
Allison’s Bar Car Vs. Eagle River Taxi: Who Does What?
I wanted to take some time to clear up some of the confusion regarding the different services offered by Allison's Bar Car and Eagle River Taxi. Allison's neither merged with nor bought out Eagle River Taxi, although the two companies try to work together to ensure...
Vilas County SafeRide Program Provider
Unlike any other state in the country, Wisconsin and their associated Tavern Leagues have developed a SafeRide program to help reduce drunk driving arrests and other issues related to impaired drivers. If your favorite bar or tavern is a member of the Vilas County...